Matina Donaldson-Matasci


F.W. 奥林科学中心1243室
1250 N. 达特茅斯大街.
Claremont, CA 91711

Education and Professional Experience

  • B.A.里德学院数学专业
  • PhD, 生物学, University of Washington
  • 博士后研究助理, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Department of Evolutionary Genetics)
  • 博士后研究助理, University of Arizona (Department of Ecology & 进化生物学)


  • 生物46:生物学入门(秋季)
  • 生物23:生物实验室(秋季)
  • Writ 01: Introduction to Academic Writing (Fall)
  • 生物统计(春季)
  • Math Comp Bio 117: Game Theory and the Evolution of Cooperation (Fall, alternate years)
  • Math Comp Bio 118B: Introduction to Computational 生物学 (Spring, second half)
  • Bio 110: Experimental Ecology Laboratory (Spring)
  • Bio 186: Topics in Behavioral Ecology (Fall, alternate years)


在HMC蜜蜂实验室, we study how colonies of social insects, 比如蜜蜂和蚂蚁, 协调群体行为. In particular, communication between group members often shapes the activity of the group as a whole. 例如, honey bees use a specialized “dance language” to communicate with their nestmates about the location of food sources, which allows the colony to forage efficiently even as resources change. 龟蚁(Cephalotes) colonies coordinate group defense of multiple nests, based on the value and defensibility of each nest. Using a combination of field experiments with honey bees, 蚂蚁的实验室实验, mathematical models and computer simulations, we explore how different types of communication systems are suited to different types of environments and social structures.

看到 HMC蜜蜂实验室博客 欲知更多有关 正在进行的研究项目, including field experiments on honey bee foraging, mapping the floral landscape using drones and computer vision, and a combination of lab experiments and simulations of the transportation networks of arboreal ants.


本杰明·亚当斯.埃文·M. 戈拉,分别 Matina C. Donaldson-Matasci艾娃·J. H. 罗宾逊和斯科特·鲍威尔. 2023. “Competition and Habitat Availability Interact to Structure Arboreal Ant Communities across Scales of Ecological Organization.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290 (2007): 20231290. Competition and habitat availability interact to structure arboreal ant communities across scales of ecological organization.

Donaldson-Matasci, Matina C.斯科特·鲍威尔和安娜·多恩豪斯. 2022. “Distributing Defenses: How Resource Defendability Shapes the Optimal Response to Risk.” 美国博物学家 199 (5): 636–52. Distributing Defenses: How Resource Defendability Shapes the Optimal Response to Risk.

张,Joanna*, Scott Powell艾娃·J. H. 罗宾逊, Matina C. Donaldson-Matasci. 2021. “Nest Choice in Arboreal Ants Is an Emergent Consequence of Network Creation under Spatial Constraints.” 群体智慧 15 (1): 7–30. Nest choice in arboreal ants is an emergent consequence of network creation under spatial constraints.

Lecheval, Valentin, Hannah Larson*, Dominic D. R. 伯恩斯,塞缪尔·埃利斯,斯科特·鲍威尔, Matina C. Donaldson-Matasci和Elva J. H. 罗宾逊. 2021. “From Foraging Trails to Transport Networks: How the Quality-Distance Trade-off Shapes Network Structure.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1949): 20210430.

鲍威尔,年代, MC Donaldson-Matasci, A Woodrow-Tomizuka** 和多恩豪斯. 2017. Context-dependent defenses in turtle ants: resource defensibility and threat level induce dynamic shifts in soldier deployment. 生态功能 31 (12): 2287-2298. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12926

里维拉,MD *, MC Donaldson-Matasci以及《太阳2平台》(2015). Quitting time: When do honey bee foragers decide to stop foraging on natural resources? 生态学与进化前沿 3: 1–9. doi: 10.3389 / fevo.2015.00050

Donaldson-Matasci MC 和A Dornhaus (2014). Dance communication affects consistency but not breadth of resource use in pollen-foraging honey bees. 《太阳2注册平台》 9 (10): e107527. doi: 10.1371 /杂志.玉米饼.0107527

Donaldson-Matasci MC, CT Bergstrom和M Lachmann (2013). 当不可靠的线索足够好时. 美国博物学家 182 (3): 313-327. doi: 10.1086/671161. [Honorable Mention, ASN Student Paper Award]

Donaldson-Matasci MC, G DeGrandi-Hoffman, 和多恩豪斯 (2013).  Bigger is better: honey bee colonies as distributed information-gathering systems. 动物行为 85 (3): 585-592. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.12.020 [自然研究要闻]

Donaldson-Matasci MC 和多恩豪斯. (2012) How habitat affects the benefits of communication in collectively foraging honey bees. Behav生态 & Sociobiol 66 (4): 583-592. doi: 10.1007/s00265-011-1306-z (PDF)

Donaldson-Matasci MC, CT Bergstrom和M Lachmann. (2010) 信息的适应度值. Oikos 119 (2): 219-230. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17781.x (PDF)

Donaldson-Matasci MCM .拉赫曼和CT .伯格斯特罗姆. (2008) Phenotypic diversity as an adaptation to environmental uncertainty. 进化生态学研究 10 (4): 493-515. (PDF)

* Undergraduate author ** High school student author