Strategic Plan Timeline

November/December: Preparatory Phase

  • Establish a Strategic Planning Committee consisting of key stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members. Provide charge; define roles and responsibilities.
  • Strategic Plan Info Session– Nov. 30. (View recording)
    • The difference between the First 100 Days Report and the strategic plan.
    • Why you (the community) need to be involved in this process.
      • First 100 days was not comprehensive.
      • Appreciation to all for the time we are all putting into this work.
    • Review timeline, share steering committee makeup, explain SOAR.
    • Lay out the number of opportunities and methods for feedback.
    • Preview survey to gather input on college values and essence. Use the 100 days report and discussion feedback to develop questions; tailor for faculty, staff, students, alumni, parents, trustees and friends.

January: Community Discussion

  • Discuss and seek alignment on the College’s values, essence and distinction.
  • An initial SOAR analysis to provide information to the Working Groups on the College’s strengths, opportunities, aspirations and expected results.
  • Two sessions offered—one in-person, one virtual; scheduled after classes are in session. Tuesday, Jan. 23, 11 a.m.-noon in the Platt Center Green Room; Tuesday, Jan. 23, 6-7 p.m. via Zoom.

February/March: Working Groups 

  • Each Working Group is asked to develop a three-page report in response to its charge and focus questions–that reflects the College’s values, essence, distinction and SOAR analysis. 
  • Sample schedule:
    • Week of Feb. 19 – attend focused SOAR sessions
    • Week of Feb. 26 – extract and group SOAR input most relevant to the charge and focus questions; convene and review focus questions
    • Week of Mar. 4 – convene and discuss/prepare preliminary responses to focus questions
    • Week of Mar. 18 – share drafts with the College community for feedback and refinement
    • Week of Mar. 25 – convene and update/finalize report

April/May: Steering Committee 

  • The Steering Committee will draft strategic goals and initiatives based on the Working Group reports. 
  • Sample Schedule:
    • Week of March 4 – review SOAR input; convene and discuss future timeline
    • Week of April 1 – convene and draft strategic goals and initiatives based on the Working Group reports
    • Week of April 8 – convene with the Working Groups to review draft
    • Week of April 15 – update and share draft College community for feedback
    • April 24 – Community-wide discussion. [Two sessions – one in person, one virtual; scheduled after classes are in session.]
      • Wed April 24, 11 a.m.-Noon in the Green Room
      • Wed. April 24, 6-7 p.m. via Zoom 
  • Revise the plan based on stakeholder input.

June: Finalize the Plan

  • Integrate all feedback and finalize the strategic plan.
  • Develop a presentation for the board of trustees.

July: Board of Trustees Preview

  • Present the plan to the board of trustees for initial feedback.
  • Make any adjustments based on trustee feedback.
  • Prepare for a more comprehensive presentation in October.

August: Plan Refinement

  • Make final refinements to the plan based on any additional feedback. 
  • Develop a comprehensive plan presentation for the board of trustees.

September: Board of Trustees Approval

  • Present the final strategic plan to the board of trustees for approval.
  • Obtain final approval from the board of trustees.

October: Plan Implementation

  • Begin implementing the approved strategic plan.
  • Develop an implementation schedule and allocate resources accordingly.
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