

Three Harvey Mudd College students—Brayden Mendoza ’26 (computer science), Madeline Seifert ’26 (computer science) and Ket Hollingsworth ’25 (computer science)—are recipients of 2023–2024 ServiceNow Scholarships. 当他们在学院严谨的学术课程中畅游时, 学生们正在找时间做研究, 体育, 音乐和社区参与活动.

门多萨是国会奖的金质奖章获得者, Congress’ highest honor for youth who demonstrate outstanding community service and personal achievement, a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar and a gold medal recipient of The 总统’s Volunteer Service 奖. Seifert is the founder and co-president of the 艺术y Fartsy Club at Harvey Mudd, a peer health educator and a runner on the Claremont-Mudd-Scripps track team. And Hollingsworth attended the 2023 USC 研究 Experience for Undergraduates Symposium and presented his summer research findings while exploring a variety of research topics in CS.

ServiceNow奖学金于2009年12月在Harvey Mudd成立. 2021. 总部设在圣克拉拉, ServiceNow provides global solutions for IT service and operations management, 员工和客户体验等等, 通过一个平台. Harvey Mudd’s relationship with ServiceNow extends beyond the company’s establishment of the scholarship to the College’s 诊所 Program.

ServiceNow一直是Harvey Mudd计算机科学诊所的赞助商. 在公司最近的诊所项目中, “Catching Uncareful Code: Static Analysis of (Arbitrary) Data Queries” (2021–2022), ServiceNow sought the help of Harvey Mudd students to reduce the number of inefficient database inquiry deployments in client-written applications. Other ServiceNow-sponsored 诊所 projects have included “Automating and Assessing Data Anonymization” (2020–2021), “Efficient Indexing of Compressed Time-series Data” (2019–2020) and “Optimizing Compression for Time Series Data” (2018–2019).

More 太阳2注册平台 ServiceNow Scholarship Recipients Mendoza ’26, Seifert ’26 and Hollingsworth ’25 

你对追求什么感兴趣, 学术上和专业上, 在哈维·马德工作期间以及之后?

Mendoza: My life’s goal is to make a meaningful impact and contribute to the advancement of humanity. I believe humanity’s next technological leap will be through understanding the applications of quantum physics, 特别是在计算机领域, 我渴望为这一发展做出重大贡献. After talking to a few professors, I’ve learned that this emerging field is very interdisciplinary. 从哈维·马德那里拿到计算机科学学位, that includes a variety of STEM electives and courses in quantum information, 力学和微处理器系统, 我希望不仅能学到更多太阳2注册平台我的兴趣, 通过参加各种核心课程, have expanded to include circuits and electrical engineering—and become an interdisciplinary scholar, 同时也攻读量子信息方面的研究生学位.

塞弗特:我对计算机科学领域很感兴趣, 特别是在程序开发和网络安全方面. I enjoy creating and writing programs, and I hope to continue doing so in the future. 我也喜欢通过我的核心课程学习物理. 毕业后,我想在计算机科学行业工作. I’m interested in going into cybersecurity, back-end development or something related to video games. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do yet as I’m interested in many topics in computer science, but I do know I want a job where I can be creative and develop a product. 最终, I would like to work up to a leadership role like a project manager or other related position where I can take on more responsibility.

Hollingsworth: I’ve developed an interest in the field of robotics/embedded systems since first being introduced to the field by Harvey Mudd’s MuddSub Club, which works on designing an automated underwater vehicle for the yearly RoboSub 竞争. It has been an incredible two years working with such a talented team, 我期待在来年以社长的身份领导扶轮社! I have also joined a lab with Professor Arthi Padmanabhan where we attempt to optimize machine learning edge devices under energy constraints. This project is similarly very close to the edge of hardware and software which is a field that I find very interesting! 在未来, I am considering possibly pursuing a master’s degree in computer engineering but, 如果我找到合适的工作, 我可能直接进入工业界. 我很兴奋能探索我在哈维·马德的旅程, 我要充分利用它.


Mendoza: The ServiceNow Scholarship has made tuition more affordable for my family and me. 获得大学学位的成本越来越高, 哈维马德以其高昂的学费而闻名. So, it comes as no surprise that attending Mudd has put a financial strain on us. 然而, 这个奖学金, 以及学院提供的其他基于需求的经济援助, makes it much more feasible for me to attend this wonderful institution so that I can have the best education I could ask for.

Seifert: The scholarship has given me the opportunity to continue my education at Harvey Mudd without having to stress about the financial burden of my tuition and other expenses. 作为第一代大学生, 我在贷款和其他经济援助方面遇到了挑战, 所以我非常感谢你们的支持. 因为ServiceNow奖学金, I can focus more on my studies and extracurricular activities instead of financial issues.

Hollingsworth: The ServiceNow Scholarship has allowed me to stay at Harvey Mudd College. If I did not have this support, I would not be able to cover the costs of college on my own. 我来自低收入家庭, and the cost of college is one of the things that my mother worries about the most. 然而, 因为有这样的奖学金, I’m able to have the opportunity to attend one of the most expensive institutions in the country and pursue the opportunities that were not available to my mother who grew up as an undocumented immigrant. 我非常感谢这份奖学金, 我保证充分利用我得到的机会.

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